medicine wheel: Key words: Crystal, - glass shine, - brilliantly, - multicolored, - river, continual change, - interfering, - melt, - change, - strengthen, - growth, - southern soul path. Description: Fluorspar, in the medicine wheel the mineral totem, is associated with growth and the external position of the southern soul path. Fluorspar or Fluorit is a glass of shining crystal which seems cubically and oktaedrisch. In the colouring varies fluorspar from colorless about Yellow, green, blue, Violettönen up to black forms. Raft spavin melts easily and, hence, is used often with the smelting. Fluorine is a main part of this mineral and should strengthen the bones as well as the teeth of the person. General meaning: To flow your ability, melt to mix you, - a synthesis, - an opportunity, to get a broader and more many-sided life philosophy. Association: right river, - raft direction, - late flow. Transcendent meaning: To be liquid the property, in the dream state, - the ability, to recognise the spring of the events in your dreams.