Association: - View, - seeing and are seen. Question: - What is to be seen I am ready? What would like I to uncover or hide? Psychologically: The dreaming does not take part directly in the events of the life, he is rather in the role of the observer. Window stands in connection with the house, with our open or close being and can point to the openings of our body. Window also expresses our settings to the life and to other people as well as our expectations of others. Is important, whether they from the window heraussehen or by the window in a little bit in. Is the look clear or has become blurred?, Among the rest, the following interpretations are possible from the accompanying circumstances: the opposition which one will master, however, courageously announces closed windows. feelings of the frustration or a suffocated communication emphasise impassable windows. Such dreams can be to be engaged a tip to it, to itself for itself or something which lies to one with the heart. obstructed windows can show the inability to see a little bit independently. One must investigate maybe intensive to lay the table what one searches, actually. satisfaction and luck indicate open windows in the next time, can also warn about the temptations to which one may not give way. from the window look meant the coming disappointment. from the window should fall a misfortune announce in which one may hope for no help from the outside. by a window rise warns about disputes and losses. broken window panes should draw the attention to defamation by others towards which one must walk on time energetically. a pink-coloured window can show a personal chance which is still unknown, however. The exact interpretation can require in particular cases that one still considers the symbolic salary of house and glass with. Popular: (arab).: unanimously: one will still achieve with perseverance his aim, nevertheless, - also: one does not want to show you his plans, openly: Love affair, one waits with longing for you, - also: one may remain further confident, from it look out without dizzy spells: soon news gets to know, - also: you expect in vain a visit, look out by a closed one from the inside: one will not be able to put through his will, - also: one needs no more worries to himself around his future make, stand outdoors before a closed one: One will suffer from the chill and negative behaviour of the environment. Indeed, this can be overcome by charm bit by bit. by hinaussteigen: Loss in business respect, get by one: Quarrel and quarrel with your next surroundings, from one fall out: heavy misfortune suffer, - danger in close future, windowsill: You will have a nice and successful discussion. (European ones).: the vision is to be checked in connection with house and to evaluate under circumstances like Türe, i.e. as a sexual organ, in general: the biggest wishes and expectations are disappointed bitterly, - no effort will be crowned by the success, the being open: indicates visits, - brings luck and satisfaction, - also: one will have an experience that for an absolutely new perspective will open and one will go new ways, closed: good views with enterprises, - one will be pursued hard, - also: refers to loneliness, stand before a close one: one should react to the chill and negative behaviour of the environment with more charm, - there is no reason to isolate itself even more, in pass by one look behind which strange things happen: means that one will fail in his elective occupation and lose the respect of other people, although one has risked his whole health, look out from it: Curiosity, folly, absurdity, look out by one: deceived expectations, by one hinaussteigen: if means property loss, - also: one gets entangled more and more in a difficult situation, rush out: Fright, - one will wait in vain for help, get by one: Unscrupulousness, - one is caught at how one tries with unfair means to come to the aim, - brings quarrel and Widerwärtigkeiten, sit in one or stand: brings worries in the occupation, on the windowsill sit: Victims of own folly become, break a window glass: by own behaviour one has caused a bad luck, see one with broken discs: one will be insulted, - also: the lovers will be suspicious that you have abused your trust. (ind).: wrong friends try to deceive you, the open: you will have misfortune in your enterprises, from an open one rise: wrong enterprises, the closed: your courage will help you, - you will come by courage to the aim, fall out: Danger, heraussehen: you will find out news, hineinsteigen: Quarrel and annoyance, see hitting: domestic strife. (See also window pane,' building ',' glass ', house, 'door')