Psychologically: Idol points out to the fact that one follows wrong images, expectations, sighting and ideals or falls under influence under wrong friends, - therefore, one must count on disappointments, failures and humiliations. Popular: (arab).: Your thoughts have lost her clarity, this time, however, your feeling deceives you. also: you are unreasonable. (European ones).: adore: one can be humiliated have to go, - also: become only slow rich or famous, because one can be deflected by matters of minor importance, other idols see adoring: there will be between friends quarrel, have one in possession: one will be influenced by bad people, destroy: points out to strong self-control and to one no difficulties on the way can brake, denounce idol adoration: big honour is given it one because of the understanding of the natural qualities of the human mind. (ind).: Dreaming somebody, he throws itself at an idol, talks or struggles with him, it hits or is hit by him, that which revered it due to foot will become before the eyes of God the liar because idols Peeping and Carrying are, - who talked, however, with the picture, struggled, it hit or was hit by him, will fall in big misery, turn out this, however, as a lie. he will ask Doing one before a wooden idol a genuflection, ill-disposed mighty man for help, but find no hearing with his requests. Being the picture which he honoured, painted on a board, will become he a cantankerous heretic who spreads lies. If one a silver picture adores, he will lie to the oaths which break he women performed and them. Being the picture of gold, he will play an exceedingly risqué play, but are punished by the emperor hard and by many Übeln are cut into, - the emperor will be pressed after this face by his enemies badly, - then like in the dreams a mutual relation exists from silver to the women, thus from gold to the men, - it gives the latter pleasure also big in the awake state, it brings to them, nevertheless, big bad luck if they dream of it. Being the idol from ore, iron or lead, will be the dreamer only one bragger, - then all this is tools of the world. (See also faith)