Association: - Entirety, - repetition, - infinity. Question: - What is completed? medicine wheel: Key words: Net of the life, - sanctified, - natural form, - river, - together connect, - respect, - basic form of the medicine wheel. Description: The circle is one of the natural forms of the life and a central symbol for most people close to the earth. He stands for the life without end and without beginning, for the uninterrupted existence. The circle surrounds everything in the universe, from the unconceivable expansion of the universe even up to the smallest microbe. People close to the earth respected the circle in such a way as they respected the life. If they assembled, they sat in the circle. With many of the buildings which they established they remembered of the circle and the uninterrupted life river. Today physics has recognised that a large part of the energy is circularly or spiral. General meaning: Anew dive into the life river, - accept your place in the circle of the life, - growing harmony, - understanding of all aspects of the life and the nature. Association: To circles, bear, - rotary, - hall of a circle. Transcendent meaning: Gift of bigger harmony between you and all remaining life, - reinforced unity. Psychologically: Circle often shows a harmoniously rounded personality, however, can indicate also the need for security. The meaning of the circle as the magic circle which is valid as a protective symbol and defensive symbol is to be found in almost all fairy tales and myths. He is valid like the ring as a symbol for the entirety and is in the dream a sign for the clenched psychic strength. If something is to be seen in the dream in a circle, this is always from high meaning. The infinite line is put either by the geometrical figure or by a human group being lying round in the circle, a perfectly circular place or similar in the picture, - it is meant: The mental energy should be held together. Around like the circle is also the circus ring in which wild animals (speak: the unrestrained driving forces) are restrained. Who penetrates into a circle, a certain aim heads. If one moves in the circle, warns about the inclination to futile brooding which always circles round the same subject and brings at last, nevertheless, nothing. Spiritually: The circle is a picture of the perfect and in itself same. Popular: (arab).: see as a token: one is allowed on the realisation of his wishes and plans, as well as hope for durable friendship, see as a sky sign: the blessing is with you, you succeed with all what you begin, see before us: Not to move warning, in the delusive circle (vicious circle), stand in hineintreten or in it: points to a higher unity which one should reach, see themselves in the middle one: Flatteries of certain people are not meant seriously, draw one: an already hopeless situation will be led successfully to an end, turn: your fatuities will not bring you to honour, see dancing: sad experiences make. (pers).: a very good omen: If you see a circle, the fulfilment of your biggest wishes is granted to you, even if maybe with a certain delay. Now it is a matter, of being strong and of remaining unflustered with his way. In general the sign wants to assure that everything has his sense and purpose in the universe - and that you do well to see the life in this connection. (Woman +) (European ones).: symbol for the life whose expiry shows a unity, - also: one wanders about and finds no way out, because one moves in the circle, - the overestimation of business profit views, promises sign: one will involve a thing in such a way that one finds no more way out, are in one: one should be misled, stand in one: the mental energy is harmonious and one can reach a higher consciousness step, A young woman who sees a circle should not behave indiscreetly if she wants to marry. (ind).: circle: your matter will come at the good end. (See also arena, ball, geometrical figures, ball, circus)