In general: Earlier once one ascribed to the parsley mystic forces. Like all herbs it was used particularly for the preparation by tea or also, in order to flavour something. On a concealed plane of consciousness this knowledge also exists even today, - hence, parsley in the dream points out to the fact that the dreaming produces a connection with this knowledge. Parsley can warn about speculations involving heavy losses. Sometimes she should also register that one has Gönner. Psychologically: The most important quality of the parsley is her cleaning effect, and this often appears in the dream. To the dreaming it is clear that he must remove something dirty or clear. Spiritually: At the spiritual level the parsley in the dream is a symbol for the female principle and for occult consciousness. Popular: (arab).: see or eat: a good household and healthy life, - also: News gets to know, - also: small, loyal friends surround you. (European ones).: success by hard work, - one ordinarily moves in a healthy and open life circle, - moreover, she promises good health and the responsibility for a big family, (ind).: pick: you will find many Gönner.