Psychologically: Plaster mostly points out to the fact that one was hurt and is not about that yet away. If one puts on it to somebody, one should apologise for an insult which one has added to another. The plaster before the mouth asks not to be so loquacious or credulous. Popular: (arab).: (adhesive plaster) see see or hanging up: indicates at damage, disadvantage and illness, prepare for a wound: you will rush to help somebody, give even on a wound: Your heart grief will pass. You will find consolation and love. lie have: is careful with illnesses, on an eye have: you forgive your Beleidigern. (European ones).: on a wound: if promises the reconciliation with an offended friend, - also: if help and support announces by friends in a difficult thing, see: announced to strife or insults by others or, somebody hang up: one feels remorse for the fact that one has hurt another, get in the mood or rest the elbows: one will suffer a heavy insult, see over an eye: if means forgiveness, over a mouth see stuck: one should be more taciturn a little. (ind).: you will be reconciled with a person again. (See also association)