Psychologically: 'I wash my hands in innocence' - and dry them afterwards in the towel - it is a symbol 'to wipe something' to undo, or would like to forget in the awake life saddening. And if one throws 'the towel', one gives up something and dissociates himself from it. Popular: (arab).: slaves mean of towels all together according to the difference of every cloth, - that with which one dries the face, means the trust slave who expels the annoyance to man. Everything what happens with the towels, whether they are stolen, burn or become mellow, will come true to the called slave, - the towels have become nicer, good will happen according to that. Dreaming of the emperors, he gets a new pillow, he will raise a new, respected slave in his position, - it seems to him, the cushion has disappeared or has suffered damages, danger threatens the concerning slave. nowadays: to themselves in it the hands dry up: you will know how to shift every suspicion from yourself and if you are careful, you will avoid a lot of annoyance, - also: wait for your time, now it is not favourably for you, - carefulness promises in the action, (European ones).: see the clean: if brings the opening of some disagreeable, - one should bring a thing 'cleanly' to an end, see a clean white one: a short illness must go through from which one recovers fast, the dirty see: Worries in the household, hang up: indicates at redemption of something disagreeable, the hands dry themselves: one would like to escape from a disagreeable thing or matter, dry themselves in one: points to a rebarbative gossip to which one will come. (ind).: joy in the business and in the marriage.