In general: Losing (for example, money) has contrary meaning in the dream, one will achieve success and profit. Psychologically: If one loses something in the dream, one should pay attention to the object which gets in loss, and from it interpret the other. Mostly the losing implies the tip to a mental weakness. Popular: (arab).: something: you will have vain trouble, - also: you will begin a work again. suffer a financial one: if one is anxious, one will be able to register a great success, a person: one should act more unselfishly and show his person compared with more esteem and respect. (European ones).: something: Profit, - one will find something or discover, - also: Difficulties, shoes or other important clothes: very unfavorably, the difficulties are due to own actions, - one had kept himself for too clever, this is Losing a woman her wedding ring, a sign for domestic annoyance. (ind).: something: Luck and profit. (See also playing cards, plays, way)