Psychologically: A warning sign! In the dream the chemist's shop embodies generally an emergency situation and the request to take care more of his physical and mental health. She can also signal a cry for help or a desire for help. A recipe own already promises advice and help. In the figurative sense something can also contact what we have thought long ago forgotten. However, she can also stand for capital loss because your plans were badly thought through by selfdeception. Popular: (arab).: protects you from usury hands! If you continue in such a way, there will be a bad setback. Pay attention to the warning of your dream! see: unhappy chances, stand before her door or go in: always to look a warning around his health, are in it: Widerwärtigkeiten by enemies. (European ones).: of wide ones see: one should not lose completely hope, see from the outside: Possibility of a rich marriage, - also: if one asks the right people around advice, it will be helped to one, go in: meant the ill health and healthy a forthcoming illness, go in and buy drug: Capital loss. (ind).: is careful and does not let in you with bad people who earn no trust. chemist's shop has to act a little with illnesses, but a lot with financial matters. see: points to a quick marriage, enter: to financial losses. (See also fear, doctor, recipe)