Psychologically: The word 'Party' is descended from the Latin word 'festivus' what means so much as joyfully and also funnily. Also as a dream symbol parties and events have the meaning of happy and social meetings with other people. Nevertheless, an exception is the remembrance ceremony. To dream of general festivity, is absolutely a positive symbol, however, can also mean that one should look after more positive expectations. It mostly points to a well-balanced, cheerful mood situation. The wish for more sociability sometimes also appears in it. Who celebrates it in the dream, would like to forget of the everyday life efforts and plagues once for for a while, not to the right and to the left look, but quite simply once rest from the own I. Dream of parties and events, then the dream points out you often also to the fact that you should open other person to yourselves. Most parties decrease either to initiations, so rites of the crossing, or to the annual run. Also in the dream a situation of the crossing or / and the wedding of the life is demanded in such parties and events. The dreaming is pointed out at night to it to argue once more with the past changes or to prepare for the coming events. Possibly these are not aware to him at all. Artemidoros: Night celebrations, night festivities and celebrations in which one remains the whole night awake are in view of weddings and communities of good premeaning and promise poor prosperity and increase in property. Also they release according to experience sad and scrared from fear and grief. One normally celebrates only the whole night through if one is in cheerful mood. Adulterers and adulteress have discovery, however, no punishment to gewärtigen because the loose activity is known in these parties though to the participants, however as it were, even if it froths over, is patient tacitly. To the people who live in prosperity and shining relations, the excitement and defamations of character which will be, however, finally without bad results brings on. Popular: (arab).: take part: a short joy experience, - also: Annoyance in private regard is to be expected, commit: your enterprise has great success, (pers).: a good omen: To eat fat luck indicates in the love to cook with fat professional success. In general the sign asks to come as good as possible on the circulation of the life and to take part in it. (European ones).: expression of the internal rest and balance, - indifference compared with the reality, - excessive love accelerates the ageing process, - unintentionally one becomes dependent, from other celebrate: meant cheerfulness, take part: Grief, worries, sadness, are invited to it: The seduction to which one can make way. (ind).: take part: you will get in grief and worry. (See also ball, single festival names)