Association: - Intimacy, - affection, - greeting. Question: - To whom or would like what I to be close? Psychologically: The kiss is a picture for the union. Still today some statesmen (e.g., gay communists) give themselves to the sign of the peaceful discussion a brotherhood kiss, above all in Russia and France. The kiss on the mouth and therefore on the linguistic organ of another person indicates the need in the dream to argue with this person, to reconcile or to take up a narrower spiritual-mental respect. The spiritual communication is also often meant with the kiss. The dreaming seals a pact with the kiss, because to come he ready to an arrangement, is. This can also be of sexual nature, nevertheless, it can also concern a friendship. Even the very intimate French kiss is in the dream rather a signal for the need of the approach to another person. If he is given in erotic dreams, a respect is mostly in order, even if it is not in the dream the partner which one kisses. However, the kiss can also mean that the dreaming searches unconsciously a quality of this person in himself. Kiss (kisses) can embody longing for affectionate love, stand in general also for sympathies. If the dreaming is kissed, this shows that he is estimated around itself for the sake of and is loved, or care is offered - it could be a Judaskuß. Other meanings arise with the following accompanying circumstances: The kiss symbolises the highest luck and promises ill recovery. kiss registers preserved that one is respected and is estimated. kiss give success indicates with the in each case other gender. hand kiss warns about flattery and deception. old people kiss points to a disappointment. ground kiss announces a humiliation which one suffers. other with the kiss see stands often for depressive mood as a result of unfull longings. Spiritually: One single kiss often has a spiritual and religious colouring and symbolises a spiritual blessing. It is signs of the love, deference, friendship, union and reconciliation. Artemidoros: Close friends friendly welcome, respond and kiss, is good, - one will say friendly words and get to hear, - it is less good if one appeals to people who are not close, but in any way are known. If one dreams of appealing to personal enemies and of kissing, the hostility will have an end, while the kisses of a dead person are fateful for a sick person, - the dream indicates it prophesied to him the death, - to a healthy, he will carry on no important negotiations in the immediate present because his lips touched a dead person. If one kisses dead people who were especially dear to one at her lifetimes and pleasant, this is neither for the talking nor for an otherwise plan of disadvantage. Popular: (arab).: Dreaming somebody, he kisses a friend who is an enemy to him to be reconciled with him, he will be to him even more enemy, - he is not his enemy, he will initiate him into his secret. it becomes Kissing somebody a dead person, if he is who wants he, emperors or my husband, in such a way become ill as he felt with the kiss of the dead love. Caressing somebody only simulates an animal, he will have profit and luck in his life if get to know a monkey or 'copycat', a devious, but powerless enemy to the love. it becomes Kissing somebody a close relative, to him according to the affection which found her expression in the kiss goodwill. a nice, unmarried person: you will been disappointing, a married person: Incommodities will remain not saved to you. affectionately: you worry about a friend, wildly: your longing for love is fulfilled, briefly: disappointed love, a child: pure love and friendship, fail: you think of an adultery, a hand: you lose to respect, if woman one her unknown man kisses: Care is offered in the next time if it makes man's acquaintances, - these relations will not mostly be long-lasting and be connected with a lot of annoyance and worries, - (the same is valid for men) if woman a loving man or the husband kisses: she will form the relation to the partner even more happily. (the same is valid for men) (pers).: a pleasant kiss in the dream is the herald unforgettably clarify erotic meeting or a general improvement of the sexual life. If one does not feel the kiss as pleasant, a small disappointment is to be expected in dear problems. (European ones).: are kissed unauthorised: if is valid as a token from falseness, kiss unauthorised a person: False actions and personal decline, receive: one is respected, many kisses exchange: one will have good views, give: a request will be beaten off to one, give one to a foreign woman: one is liked with the other gender very much, - Li> betrays loose morality images, kiss the lover in the darkness: it are to dangers and mindless relations on, kiss the lover with daylight: one is guided over and over again towards the best intentions what concerns women, your rivals see kissing your lover: one gets in danger to lose the esteem, give to a man: one will receive a resignation, of the mother give: points to longing for tenderness, - on business is successful and from friends are estimated and are loved, kiss a sister or a brother: if a lot of joy means in your respect, of an old person give: if a dear disappointment tells in, kiss an enemy: one is on the way to reconcile himself with an angry friend, kiss somebody on the nape: if means emotionality and itself gehenlassen, on the hands give: if luck tells in the love and friendship in, in the face: if brings success, want to kiss and are not allowed: if brings melancholy, somebody despicable proofs kiss: points to dubious pleasure, - dedicate themselves to despicable cravings, disgrace about the family can bring, kiss a dead: if rich progeny, announces kiss a single person: promises good and frank friends, kiss a married person: Evil and quarrel, kiss a bride: if means a happy reconciliation of friends, are kissed by the bride: one will take pleasure to good health, and your treasure will inherit to unexpected manner a property, kiss a bride and to feel that they look anxious and ill: means that one is contented with the action manner of the friends, kisses a bride others: one will have many friends and a lot of joy of life, kissing married couples see: one estimates a harmonious family life, other see kissing each other: if brings sadness, kiss the earth: if means grief and humiliation, kiss a crucifix: one will accept worries resignedly, children kiss each other: the reunion of the family and professional success approach, If a young woman the forehead of her lover kisses, he is discontented with her because of her shameless behaviour. Dreaming a young woman to be observed how she kisses her lover, this points to the envy which a wrong friend looks after against them. If she sees her lover kissing another, her hopes for marriage are shattered. (ind).: Dreaming one, he kisses somebody because of love and affection, he will prove to the same from dear favours, - however, he does it to operate intimate with him, that who has kissed will learn from the other good. Kissing somebody another on the neck, the caressing will be appealing to the other, if on the shoulder, to his women, if on the arm, to his brother or faithful farm-hand. The corresponding is valid, as already said, from the remaining body parts. however, Kissing somebody a known dead, he will do to his soul or his heirs good if give an unknown dead, to a prince on thanks also serve him. get kiss on own hand: wrong friends, - falseness, kiss, somebody the hand: you have good views, receive kiss: Resignation of a beloved person, give: your love is answered, rob: you are hotly loved, clarifies girl: you will soon celebrate wedding, a man: Infidelity, want to and not be allowed: Melancholy, the earth: Grief and humiliation, married people: Quarrel and quarrel, children: a lot of joy in the life. (See also cannibalism, lips, mouth,' sexuality ',' tongue')