Psychologically: The meaning of dreams of envelopes can depend on the context of the envelope in the dream and on the emotional reaction of the dreaming on it. A dream envelope often symbolises news of which the dreaming would like to inform with pleasure - or for which he waits. The contents of the envelope and whether it were closed, important points can be for the dream interpretation. easy problems which are easily to be overcome show open of envelope. a firmly close envelope can indicate difficult emotional or practical obstacles. One pays attention to the tips in the dream to overcome these hurdles. An envelope not to be able to open, frustration about the inability can explain for the solution of a problem. a dream with many envelopes can indicate news or that appear new plans in the horizon. How one felt when one them opened ? Did they contain news for one? a sealed bundle of envelopes can mean the foreboding of a change of course in the life. Nevertheless, such a dream can indicate the insecurity about how this change is to be reached. If the dream envelope is very full, can indicate it that one feels beaten from work or a respect. Popular: (arab).: One entrusts you with a sweet secret. (European ones).: closed: a confidential communication, or the request to preserve a secret 'to keep under lock and key' information openly: if means curiosity and indiscretion. (ind).: you is loaded to an amusing society.