In general: Because a polyp owns eight tentacles, a connection can be produced between this dream symbol and the Mandala. The tentacles matter because they mark a situation which is frightening for the dreaming because he cannot escape from her. Polyp stands often for dependence in which one is himself or in which one wants to bring others, - further he can embody fears and obnoxious people. Psychologically: The animals who seem to the dreaming strangely and are not familiar to him should draw the attention of him to certain qualities of his personality. A polyp is able to move equally well in all directions, and this is the tip with which the dreaming should deal. Spiritually: At this level a polyp can show unconditionally spiritual mobility in the dream. Popular: (arab).: One wants to win you from several sides. (ind).: see: you will have to go on a trip. (See also Mandala)