Spiritually: Mosquitoes, flies, Schnaken are all symbols of the devil. Popular: (arab).: aviation and mosquitoes mean news of enemies and illness. Dreaming of the emperors, it whirred where he stays, bad news which arrives about his war people grief, worries and bitterness will prepare dreams of aviation and mosquitoes near, for him, - the same interpretation applies for the generals. Dreaming this a pauper or my husband, will approach him misery, illness and a bitter end. If it seems to one as if aviation or mosquitoes crowd in in large amounts in his mouth or in his nostrils, he will experience with torment and pains the setting of enemies. one has of penetrating aviation or mosquitoes in large quantities in an area one, there the inspiration of enemies and the torture of the inhabitants to gewärtigen. see or by them are stung: in bad society and hostility get, - protects you from bad people, are swarmed by them: Not to be so bounteous reminder, because these are people nearby who are over only to use one, see dancing: you incline to great pranks. (European ones).: see: warn about flatterers, - Lästermäuler and tiresome visitors or other nuisances, - one will have to suffer from the results of rumours which are put about one in the world, are swarmed by these: one is too bounteous and can be used shamelessly, - maybe also there comes a tiresome visit, are stung: Disadvantages by trustfulness, - a lasted hospitality is abused or it is brought by other people to strife in the house. (ind).: you can preserve no secret. (See also aviation, insects, mosquito, Schnaken)