Wearing comfortable shoes or shoes that you love in your dream indicate you are becoming comfortable with all parts of your personality.

If you dream that your shoes are dirty and ragged, you will make enemies if you continue to criticize people. New shoes signify positive changes. Losing your shoes is a sign that you might lose an important relationship.

If you dream that others are admiring your shoes, you should be cautious around people you have recently met for the first time, especially males.

To dream that you are wearing inappropriate shoes for the activity at hand, suggests that your progress and path in life will be challenged because you are not well-prepared.

It may also indicate that you are heading in the wrong direction and need to reevaluate your goals.

If you dream of wearing someone else’s shoes, this is a strong indication that you need to start looking at situations and relationships from other people’s point-of-views. Your opinions and attitudes are not the only ones that matter – be more considerate of others.

To dream that someone else is wearing your shoes, signifies a loss of identity. You may feel that someone else is copying your style, or stealing something from you that is very special.

This is a typical dream when you feel like you’re being replaced in your friendship group, in a love relationship, or even in a family (perhaps by a new baby).

Also see “High Heels”