medicine wheel: Key words: Brilliantly, - translucently, - deep earth energy, - razor-sharply, - protecting, - earthing, - cutting, - moon of the long snow. Description: Agate, in the medicine wheel the mineral totem in the moon of the long snow (from the 22nd of November to the 21st of December) to Born, a volcanic glass and on chemical base is identical with granite. He originates as a component the magma which resigns from the volcano, pours out itself above the earth and cools off then fast. Agate is ordinarily black and slightly translucent, nevertheless, he can also seem in other colour variations. The mineral has been used during millenniums by the person as tools, mirror, jewellery and as a Schabinstrument. It is very hard and can be sharply like a razor blade. Agate should bind people to the earth. He is also used to the future show. General meaning: New connection with the earth energy, - new tools find, - see an aspect of itself which is razor-sharp, analyses sharply and thinks, - investigate an ornamentally or decorative aspect of your personality. Association: - Transcendent meaning: A gift of the ability to look in the future. If agate meets you in a dream, check him exactly for the possible pictures in his inside.