In general: In the early time of the Christianity one held dreams for illusion of the devil who wants to tempt with it men and women into the sin. There are many reports of saints who should have been led into temptation by erotic dreams. Today one knows that dreams of nobody are 'sent', but that they are messages of ourselves to ourselves. Dreams of temptations or actions which we hold in the awake life for immoral remind us of wishes and desires which we have edged out. A dream to which one goes to a prostitute or to a gigolo can be a pure expression of sexual 'unterfood' or the wish for sexual change. A dream to which one goes for fishing and lays out an irresistible bait in the hinge means the direct wish 'to hook' somebody, or that there is a nearly irresistible temptation. The subpressures of wishes can have noble motives, nevertheless, one must be clear to himself about his emotions and let to these the reins at least so loose that one can estimate whether her displacement does not lead to psychic difficulties. Psychologically: The temptation is a conflict between two desires. In the dream the dreaming can experience, for example, a conflict between the need, in the world to goes out, and the wish, in the security of own home to remain. The temptation carries compliance in itself, describes the situation to which the dreaming rather the way of the slightest opposition goes, than to choose the best action course. If options of the action are offered to the dreaming, he maybe inclines to choose the option which satisfies him rather at short notice as long-term. The image, a temptation, refers to the fact that it is mightier than the dreaming. Spiritually: At the spiritual level the temptation in the dream shows one of the biggest barriers which the dreaming must overcome. Popular: (arab).: faith not to every person. (European ones).: obstacles obstruct the way to that what should belong rightfully, - the tongue protects and one will overcome with mind all difficulties, succumb to one: one will get by an envious person difficulties who tries to bring to one with his friends in disrepute, resist: one is successful in an awkward matter. (ind).: become: big need is around you, - you will remain a decent person.