medicine wheel: Key words: Cleanly, - survival artist, - smartly, - thief, - bandit, - clown, - intentionally, - through various tricks, - disguised, - humor, - survival, - cleaning, - northern soul path. Description: The racoon is associated in the medicine wheel with the external position of the northern soul path and with the cleaning. He got his name for reason because with his "hands" in the water feels for prey and woke this the impression of the "washing" of the food. The racoon is also a survival artist. Because of his disguised face many hold him for a thief, but generally he gets only what most people would call rubbish. The racoon has well come to an arrangement in the living together with the person. Some state, the racoon is similarly pliable like the coyote and also resembles him in his trick wealth and willfulness. To racoons people were able to outwit in many situations. General meaning: The clever, amusing aspect of itself, - a part of you who is not afraid of taking this what you wants, - a clean part of you, - the need to put on a mask or to decrease. Association: - Transcendent meaning: Gift of the cleaning, - understanding before adaptability. Popular: (arab).: you gets a present. (European ones).: one is led by wrong friends behind the light.