Psychologically: If one opens from a known situation - be possibly at home leaves - this refers to the fact that one breaks loose from old or usual behaviour patterns. Maybe you have the need to concede yourselves freedom and independence. Departure stands in general for the steady change of the life on whose direction we ourselves have an influence. One packs his suitcases in the dream, hurries to the railway station, airfield or rises in the car. But the suitcase does not close itself. One misses the train, the way to the airport is blocked by a traffic jam, the car does not jump? With certainty it is no warning dream before the dangers of a trip! One best wants to flee 'just away' - from the desolate everyday routine, an extreme stress situation, the marital quarrel or before a responsibility. But one also knows that one has no chance! She circumscribes as it were the fear to have to take over even the responsibility for something certain or to go difficulties from the way, above all if it concerned a hasty departure. Here care is announced in any case! One must consider always also the accompanying circumstances, for example, the aim of the departure, with the interpretation. With the departure of another person it can concern the end of a violent discussion with which we would like to keep right. Spiritually: The deliberate exclusion of the past can be shown in the dream with a departure. Popular: (arab).: in general: it is a time for you to carry out a change, see (pleasant feeling): the grief leaves you, see (sad feeling): Friends go away in thoughts from you, - you will be lonesome. (European ones).: in general: Symbol of the undetainable destiny and the choice of the right direction remains with the dreaming, indicates at change, namely with an improvement of the relations, prepare one: one will be soon put before an important decision, expect joyfully one: the current situation can be soon changed in the positives, sudden departure and rushes the suitcases pack: one tries to squeeze before a responsibility or to go quarrel from the way, departure with a means of transportation: you step aside Widerwärtigkeiten and evil, to itself see departing: one tries to squeeze before a responsibility, miss at the last minute the train: Fear of a missed chance. (See also departure, resignation, railway, trip)